Spring Houseplant Swap

Cropley's Garden Center is hosting a Spring Houseplant Swap! This event is open to any and all plant lovers or collectors. Before we fill the tropical house with plants for the season, we wanted to open up the space and give our houseplant faithful friends a space to meet and trade amongst yourselves.
What's a houseplant swap? Well, it's an opportunity for plant collectors to bring any cuttings or plants they want to share with others and trade for new or different plants between each other.
We do have a few guidelines to be sure to follow to attend our swap:
-Houseplants only, no hardy varieties.
-Plants must be pest and disease free, if any plants are found with pest or diseases they will be removed from the greenhouse. This helps ensure the health of not only our plants, but the other swappers plants too.
-Trading is done between parties, Cropley's staff will not intervene.
-Plants can be bare root or potted.
Any questions please e-mail Lauren at Cropleys1984@gmail.com